Part 181: Attack on Zil Padon 2
Glazius posted:
I guess Rapp never learned what a coup was? I mean, cows are notoriously not politically astute, so I don't blame him.
Most cows aren't, but if a Lainian man starts thinking about political science, all bets are off.

bathroomrage posted:
I like Rapp and I like this game. In any other jRPG they'd belabor the point for something like eight more text boxes as Rapp goes on and on about how much he hates Leen.
Yeah. It's easy to think of him as just the hot-blooded angry one, but Rapp is perfectly capable of swallowing his anger and going along with his friends when they have a good reason. His growth is more sudden and subtle than Justin's, but no less important.
... Also, today's an update day, isn't it?
Welcome back!

Good thing, that. Otherwise we might have to use healing magic on her.

Justin, there's a button you need to hit. Left edge of the keyboard, between shift and tab.

As far as motivational speeches go, this one is pretty short and to the point.

And we're given control here to go speak to the NPCs.
... What, you thought that the city getting wrecked and people getting turned to stone would stop us from being able to chat with them? Pfft.
Anyway, talking to Gina lets us actually advance the plot.

Get used to this, it'll be the default sad music pretty much until the end of the game.

You can tell this text box is important because the camera zooms in on Feena beforehand.

Now, I'm sure that Liete wasn't implying that the ancient Icarians didn't give a fuck, and just sorta accidentally stopped the world from dying as a side effect of stopping Gaia, but that interpretation certainly makes the circumstances surrounding the fall of Angelou much more interestingly ambiguous. Did the humans steal the Spirit Stone and doom the world because they were greedy jerks, or because they were trying to give the power to those who could care about others?

Unfortunately, before she can finish her thought, the Gaia Lightning pops up again.

And the background music goes back to this.

Before we get to that, though...

I love old-school freakout animations.

Anyway, our next target is hanging out at the entrance to the Mogay section.

Oh boy, I hope you're ready....

... For yet another Gaia Battler. The hands have a 1/3 chance of inflicting either sleep or poison with their melee attacks, and the Right Hand has swapped out Grand Heal for Ray Spread. The main body can use Rust Gas, which is just Poison Gas only with a defense debuff instead of poison.
Lightning is only very slightly more powerful than it used to be, and the group has far more HP, healing ability, and resistance to lightning.
There's really only so much that can be said about these guys at this point. So have some numbers instead.

Right Hand is still weak to all elements, so Thor Cut can really tear into it.

As can a +5 skill power Zap! Whip.
Also, no, the boss didn't Plague me, that was from the first group of Gaia Horns.

An unboosted Redshock can still do decent damage to the Left Hand, though not quite up there with Demon Ball or what Midair Cut would have done if I had remembered to give Justin a non-elemental weapon.

Rapp growing a third arm to dual-wield swords while Justin spins through the air still doesn't make the fight exciting enough to keep Liete awake.
Y'know what? Let's try something else. Take two!

This time, we're all healed going in. We're also going to bring all the parts down to low health and finish them all off at once.

It's a strange feeling to be using Zap! because I know that it's not powerful enough to kill anything.

Because the stat debuff spells have an elemental affinity, they can be reduced or enhanced by the enemy's resistances. Not sure if I've mentioned that before, but here's a screenshot that sums the whole thing up nicely.
But with no ability to heal itself, the Gaia Battler and both its arms get brought down to low HP without much incident.

Dragon Cut can put out quite a bit of damage if Justin has his strength buffed and the enemy has their defense lowered.

Justin still has the Scales of dropping extra shinies.

And Feena finally breaks 300 HP. Justin isn't far behind, though.

Looks like we killed it so hard it became a puddle of goop. Good job!
... wait, no.

Oh well, that's not so bad, we can take i-

Okay, six at once might be a little tricky.

Feena busts out the glowing green magic again.

Oh hey, Leen's up.

Just in time for Justin and Feena to drop a ball of green magical energy on the city.

See you next time!
.... oh, right, boss videos.
Take One and the canon one.